Education – Transfer Program

Jackson College offers education courses designed to provide a strong foundation for students pursuing a teaching career. While these courses do not lead to a degree from Jackson College, they are fully transferable to many four-year institutions, allowing you to continue your education and achieve your teaching goals. Explore our education classes and take the first step toward your future as an educator.

Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
EDU 221 Exploring Teaching 3 ENG 131
EDU 232 The Exceptional Child 3 ENG 085* and ENG 131

This survey course introduces the learner to exceptional children from pre-kindergarten through adolescence. Characteristics, educational considerations and implications for educators and parents are a sample of the topics addressed. Developmental factors and the role of families in education and intervention, appropriate practices, culturally competent professional behavior, and collaborative interpersonal and inter-professional actions are included. The course includes historical and organizational factors, laws, and implications of all areas of exceptionality that govern special education. A minimum of five hours of approved literacy field service is required.

EDU 263 Child Growth & Development 3 ENG 131